Thursday, July 14, 2011

Recyclebank--easy way to score coupons!

If you haven't heard of or signed up for Recyclebank, you should!  It's free and easy and it's a quick way to earn points to put towards coupons, gift cards, and other prizes.  I haven't been a member for long, but so far I've printed coupons for Honest Tea (that's why the free bottles keep showing up in my pictures :)), Kashi, and several other hard to find coupons.  The website is geared towards teaching people the benefits of recycling and rewarding you for learning about ways to make your life a little greener.

After you sign up, you have the opportunity to take short quizzes, watch videos, or make a pledge to earn points.  You can cash in your points for the prizes.  It's very easy to earn enough points to download coupons; quizzes range from 5-50 points each and point values for coupons and prizes start as low as 10 or 15 points at times.  You can choose to spend your points on printable coupons (current coupons include Coke, Honest Tea, Kashi, Ziploc to name a few), magazine subscriptions (i.e. Cosmo, Food Magazine, Whole Living, etc.), gift cards to restaurants (Olive Garden, Ruby Tuesdays), gift cards to retail stores ($10 off $30 at Bed Bath and Beyond, $10 off $50 at Macy's), or my recent purchase of $10 off $50 at Harris Teeter for only 195 points!

Click on the picture above to join! 

Disclaimer:  The link above is my referral link, so I will earn points if you join.  Don't feel obligated to click this link, but it's appreciated!


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